Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Yes, school has started. I have been for two days and am so confused. The school couldn't be any more different from Culbreth. I think that I have met some people that could become good friends and help me find my way around.  Each day seems to get a little better than the one before. Francine started a day before me and seems to agree that everyday is better. She has a really nice teacher, but (for both of us) there are so many different things that we are so confused. Even their cursive is different!

Another update: I saw Harry Potter 7 part 2 and loved it. I can't believe that it was the end. I saw it with my dad and it was a lot of fun to do something alone with him. He is going to give a talk this month. We are going to a sheep farm (yes sheep) for that time.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Francine's birthday

Francine has had the longest birthday ever, but today was the actual day. It started awhile ago with a few friends and a party at home. Now we are half way across the world celebrating. Our main celebration was yesterday. We went down to Luna Park (an ausement park) and spent the day there. So much fun. I did a few scary rides (which to a lot of nerve) and Francine had a great time! Today we spent on the other side of the bridge and explored. Now we are getting ready to eat a yummey cake to celebrate Francine! HAPPY BIRTHDAY FRANCINE!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Australia Adventures

We have been to the zoo twice already! We saw some animals that we see at home, but also some animals that are only here in Australia. The Chimpanzees were so funny and active. We saw some them have (we think they were play) fights and some naps from them. We felt like we could stay there forever! We also saw Koala's and they were so cute. Did you know that the Koalas sleep 20 hours a day?! And they have a pouch just like a Kangaroo!! I could go on and on about the animals!

My family and I also went whale watching and had a "whale" of a time! (get it, haha) It was very cool, and we saw a lot. But, I got very sea-sick and had to lie down..

This upcoming Wednesday will be two weeks since we left for Chapel Hill. It seems like so long ago! I cant believe we are starting school in a week!! Summer wasn't long enough!

Dads work building~he started last Tuesday

A wallaby

A cute Koala

A Tasmanian Devil~ scary animals

Mama chimp and Baby chimp

Whale watching~you can see the spout of water

Sunday, July 3, 2011

The start of 6 months

Sydney ~~Opera House-City-Sydney Harbor Bridge

 WE HAVE ARRIVED! Our six months have begun! A few things about our life here. I will be put in the "year 8" instead of the 7th grade because there isn't enough room in "year seven". We have gotten a car and are almost done unpacking. Australia is so busy and we have NO yard. All of the cars are parked in the road and we have to look for a parking spot to park at our own house. It is the middle of winter but in the 50-60's

Our apartment~ very cozy

Our kitchen

Francine organizing our new room

Our street

The Sydney Harbor Bridge (we walked over this taday)
The Sydney Opera House~we can see this not far from our house