Sunday, July 10, 2011

Australia Adventures

We have been to the zoo twice already! We saw some animals that we see at home, but also some animals that are only here in Australia. The Chimpanzees were so funny and active. We saw some them have (we think they were play) fights and some naps from them. We felt like we could stay there forever! We also saw Koala's and they were so cute. Did you know that the Koalas sleep 20 hours a day?! And they have a pouch just like a Kangaroo!! I could go on and on about the animals!

My family and I also went whale watching and had a "whale" of a time! (get it, haha) It was very cool, and we saw a lot. But, I got very sea-sick and had to lie down..

This upcoming Wednesday will be two weeks since we left for Chapel Hill. It seems like so long ago! I cant believe we are starting school in a week!! Summer wasn't long enough!

Dads work building~he started last Tuesday

A wallaby

A cute Koala

A Tasmanian Devil~ scary animals

Mama chimp and Baby chimp

Whale watching~you can see the spout of water

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