Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Yes, school has started. I have been for two days and am so confused. The school couldn't be any more different from Culbreth. I think that I have met some people that could become good friends and help me find my way around.  Each day seems to get a little better than the one before. Francine started a day before me and seems to agree that everyday is better. She has a really nice teacher, but (for both of us) there are so many different things that we are so confused. Even their cursive is different!

Another update: I saw Harry Potter 7 part 2 and loved it. I can't believe that it was the end. I saw it with my dad and it was a lot of fun to do something alone with him. He is going to give a talk this month. We are going to a sheep farm (yes sheep) for that time.

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