Sunday, July 3, 2011

The start of 6 months

Sydney ~~Opera House-City-Sydney Harbor Bridge

 WE HAVE ARRIVED! Our six months have begun! A few things about our life here. I will be put in the "year 8" instead of the 7th grade because there isn't enough room in "year seven". We have gotten a car and are almost done unpacking. Australia is so busy and we have NO yard. All of the cars are parked in the road and we have to look for a parking spot to park at our own house. It is the middle of winter but in the 50-60's

Our apartment~ very cozy

Our kitchen

Francine organizing our new room

Our street

The Sydney Harbor Bridge (we walked over this taday)
The Sydney Opera House~we can see this not far from our house


  1. That's soooooo cool!!!!! Did you climb the bridge???(my aunt did)

  2. OMG!!!!!!!!!!! I looooove the apartment!!!!! That is so awesome! You are going to have winter all year long!!!! Are you really THAT close to the Opera House? Are you going to go to something there?
