Sunday, August 21, 2011

Dinner, Movie, and the Quarrintine Station

Today is the first day of week six in school! I have some big projects due and I spent a lot of the weekend doing that! :(  During the day on Saturday we went to a quarantine station where all of  the ships were taken to make sure that there were no diseases~all four of us thought it was really interesting. To end the day we went to a yacht club and had a really nice dinner with one of dad's colleague's. I had an ice cream called Hokey-Pokey it was really good and Australian dessert. Last night mom and I went to see "Jane Eyre" at the movie orpheum. It wasn't the type of movie that we were hoping it was. We left early, but, hope to go back and see "The Help" soon. Hoping for a great week!

To those of you starting school this week: good luck!


  1. miss you and wish u were here, but im glad u r having fun in Australia!!

  2. I saw the help last night! I miss you but we can skype soon! I love hearing all the quirky Ozzie things!
