Tuesday, November 1, 2011

        Well, I haven't done so well on my goal to write every week! My excuse is that I had my exams last week. They are kind of like the EOG's except the the teachers make them and the Yearly exams (that's what they are called. It sounds...Australian. Doesn't it?) are a lot harder and timed! So you can understand why some of my extra time was spend studying.
       But the other part of my extra time was spent with my Aunt Lynne. She was here visiting for 10 days and we fit so much into that short time. She saw our day to day routine and all of our after school activities. We walked the bridge, did a 5k walk/run and ate fish and chips by the harbour looking out over at the Opera house (only to name a few)... what could be better?
      Now, the Millers are here. (My dads friends from medical school) They landed just little bit ago and I can't wait for all of the adventures that we are going to have! One including: the Great Barrier Reef! And I will have pictures for you all!
     Today my school starts late because of a teacher strike. But, the funny part is that I will not go in to school until 11. Then I have one class and sailing...to me it seems like we shouldn't have school at all. And if it weren't for sailing, I wouldn' go.
     Look out for an update on the Great Barrier Reef!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

The Holidays and Term 4

As of Monday, I started Term 4. Here, terms are the same thing as quarters. But, what does this mean? It means that I am HALF way done with my school here in Australia (I am only doing terms 3 and 4). Wow, time has flown by! Here, everything follows the terms. So this term I have different activities. (Tennis, Art, softball)
     I am sorry that it has taken me so long to write, But, because it is the start of term, my goal is to blog more. So here it is.
     Between every term we have a 2 week break. Last “Holiday” we went to Alice Springs, Uluru, and Melbourne (the other big city like Sydney). We all had a great time. But, my favourite part was when we went camping in Alice Springs. We had a wonderful group. After three days and two nights of sleeping under the stars we became pretty close. Our guide was great fun too. Even though we hiked everyday (I think that hiking can be a little boring) I thought it was fun. While we were walking we not only saw really neat sights, but also saw learned about the people. Overall the best memory of the trip was sleeping under the stars. We had not tent! But, every morning we got up at 5!
I don't have any camping pictures, yet. But I saw both my first(of many) WILD koalas and Kangaroo! I fell like an Aussie now! :)
Here is one of the many koalas!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Dinner, Movie, and the Quarrintine Station

Today is the first day of week six in school! I have some big projects due and I spent a lot of the weekend doing that! :(  During the day on Saturday we went to a quarantine station where all of  the ships were taken to make sure that there were no diseases~all four of us thought it was really interesting. To end the day we went to a yacht club and had a really nice dinner with one of dad's colleague's. I had an ice cream called Hokey-Pokey it was really good and carmely...an Australian dessert. Last night mom and I went to see "Jane Eyre" at the movie orpheum. It wasn't the type of movie that we were hoping it was. We left early, but, hope to go back and see "The Help" soon. Hoping for a great week!

To those of you starting school this week: good luck!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

School and friends and language...Oh My!!

I have had 2 really good days. I have found friends and I really enjoy being with them. I feel comfortable at school.
But, I have been marked absent from some of my classes because I have been in the wrong class. The teachers told me go to the wrong class in the beginning of the year and I have been going there sense. But, now that I am actually on the role it matters if I am in the right class or not. The school called my mum to tell her that I haven't been showing up in classes...OH MY! But we got it all figured out and they know that I haven't been skipping classes. As of Monday, I think that I am going to be marked as here....hopefully.
I caught myself talking in an Australian accent today...good or bad?!?!
I don't know how my sister does her spelling tests. For example: One of her words is favourite (yes I spelled it right). We are going to be so confused when she goes back to America

Long time no blogging!!

Long time no blogging....SORRY! After having a short summer I forgot how time consuming school is-especially here! Here is an update on the things that are happening here:

I have found a group of friends and feel comfortable. Apart from the occasional "are you new" comments I fell like I am fitting in. It turns out that Australians really like Americans and their accents. People have asked me a lot "have you seen famous people just walking around?" They are disappointed when all that I can tell them is that I went to a Justin Beiber concert.
Why Mosen High is different than Culbreth:
  • It is a High School, everyone is more mature and there are people from ages 11-19
  • My classes are different everyday~ I have gym once a week, math 4 times...
  • If you finish early during a lesson you can pull out your iPod and listen to it
  • We are let out early every Wednesday and go to school late every Thursday
  • When we eat we can sit anywhere around campus
  • There is no cafeteria or gym-but there is a place to buy food and a big court outside for gym
  • Teachers don't have their own classrooms, they go to different classrooms for different lessons. For example: one day I have Math then Japanese (yes Japanese) in the same room with different teachers
  • Almost every room has a SmartBoard
  • They learn differently, in most subjects I am ahead, but in some I am behind
But one of the big differences is all the freedom. For example: once a week about 30 of us plus a few teachers walk (about a 1 mile walk or 2 kilometres walk) down to Balmoral beach (a really pretty beach that also has a big field) and play a sport for our "sport class". Then I ride a bus with a few friends to get wherever I need to be after school. Everyone here thinks that it is normal, but coming from Chapel Hill there is nothing more different.

After being here for a MONTH Australia is starting to feel like home! Our family has gotten really close to each other, and I have learned a lot about each one of them. In our tiny apartment you can't hide!  We have no cable, only the books from the library, and only one TV, so we have spent a lot of time down at a park, which they call an oval (a 5 minute walk from home and by the water).
I have started to pick up some of the things that the Australians say. For example: an eraser (I now call) a rubber. As for the accent I sometimes have it after being with Australians, but that is about it. Who knows, I might come home with one! Even so I still feel comfort in our American ways and enjoy going down to the oval and playing the American game of softball.

So much has happened and I can't cover it all. But, if you want to know anything email me or leave a comment. I still can't get used to actually being here. Pinch me!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Yes, school has started. I have been for two days and am so confused. The school couldn't be any more different from Culbreth. I think that I have met some people that could become good friends and help me find my way around.  Each day seems to get a little better than the one before. Francine started a day before me and seems to agree that everyday is better. She has a really nice teacher, but (for both of us) there are so many different things that we are so confused. Even their cursive is different!

Another update: I saw Harry Potter 7 part 2 and loved it. I can't believe that it was the end. I saw it with my dad and it was a lot of fun to do something alone with him. He is going to give a talk this month. We are going to a sheep farm (yes sheep) for that time.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Francine's birthday

Francine has had the longest birthday ever, but today was the actual day. It started awhile ago with a few friends and a party at home. Now we are half way across the world celebrating. Our main celebration was yesterday. We went down to Luna Park (an ausement park) and spent the day there. So much fun. I did a few scary rides (which to a lot of nerve) and Francine had a great time! Today we spent on the other side of the bridge and explored. Now we are getting ready to eat a yummey cake to celebrate Francine! HAPPY BIRTHDAY FRANCINE!